Bringing Pastors Together




So that all
may finish
the race

Harvest Foundation gave us the opportunity to find community.
In this community we found healing but in loneliness we found sickness.
Thanks to that our marriage is stronger and ready to walk in our calling with boldness.

-Bengie and Vanessa Garcia, Visible Church

"The Harvest Foundation is a truly great ministry for refreshing pastoral marriages and establishing pastoral networks… advancing God’s Kingdom."

-Ken and Kaylene Idleman, Solomon Foundation

The Harvest Foundation offers an unusual and unique opportunity for senior pastors and their spouses to get rest and to be refreshed.  It is an opportunity that is rarely offered to church leaders. I endorse and encourage all pastors to take advantage of this amazing ministry!
-John and Trina Jenkins, President of Converge

"The Harvest Retreat is deeply refreshing and has given us the rest and relaxation we needed!"

-Raymond and Brook Eneas, BFMI

" Harvest Foundation simply wants to minister to Pastors so they can continue to lead and pastor Jesus' church.  No bait and switch; just come and enjoy your wife and rest. Yes, other pastors are resting too, but stay to yourself or discover a friendship for life. Either way, you will be blessed by people who love you and want to encourage you.."

-Jim and Lori Putman, Real Life Ministries

"Honored and humbled to be a part of such a loving and supportive Christian Network
that values pastoral rest.
We are forever grateful."

-Jason and Asia Gobourn, Church on the Rock

"Every pastor needs moments of refreshing in their soul. HF provides these opportunities for refreshing so that we can continue to serve God’s people with a healthy and renewed soul.
We’re grateful for HF!"

-Klen and Audrey Kuruvilla, Christ Culture Church

"Harvest Foundation has provided
a way for us to experience rest
in ways in which we could have never done on our own, and there really are
no strings attached to these much-needed getaways."

-Josh and Leslie Brown, Overflow

"We've never felt so cared for and blessed as we do with Harvest Foundation.
The way they invest in our personal lives to help our ministry thrive long-term is simply unmatched.
Saying 'thank you' just doesn't seem enough."

-Matt and Sarah Bush, Elevation Church

"Harvest has been the friend we never knew we needed as pastors.
The trips have given us the fellowship we desperately needed and the rest and relaxation we never  
would have taken on our own."

-Derek and Keli Williams, Highpointe Church

"Harvest Foundation is a lifeline for us because in the midst of some of the most intense hardships and stresses of ministry, we have received rest, renewal, encouragement, and fellowship.  Those things are literal life savers for a minister.."

-Joe and Lisa De Jesus, Multiply Church

"Harvest Foundation is a place of Encouragement, Rest, Authenticity, and Community.  We are forever grateful for their generosity and support, we are BETTER together."

-Sam and Nichole McKern, The Fountains Fellowship

"With the demands of being a pastor, we often forfeit the rest that we need to do this sustainably. What Harvest Foundation has done for us is create a space for us to pay attention to what we need in order to continue serving God. If we could describe it in one word, it would be refreshing."

-Angel and Faith Marin, Elevation Church

"Discover Renewal: Harvest Foundation, a Christian organization that passionately supports pastor wellbeing."

-Jimiro and Lucy Feliciano, Rosa De Saron Church

"The Harvest Foundation provides an intentional, selfless moment of refreshing for Leaders from all over the Nation. Our Ministry is more effective because of the rest that the Harvest Foundation provides."

-James and Tara Scott, TheExchange

"We thought the Harvest foundation was too good to be true, and there had to be a catch. As we have got to know them and experience the retreats, we have found it is even better than we were told! They are truly a gift from God for pastoral couples and the churches they serve!"

-Brian and Cindy Bennett, Pathway Church

"We thought we were simply getting away on a trip long overdue,
but Harvest Foundation’s attention to detail, generosity,
and intentionality helped bring healing to parts of the soul cast aside.
God surely refreshes in the most unique ways.
Thank you, HF, for making honor your lifestyle."

-Joel and Lindsey Sims, Four Corners Church

"Harvest Foundation has been an incredible blessing to our lives. Not only have we been blessed by the opportunities to find rest and revitalization, but we have also made impacting friendships that have added value to our lives!"

-David and Kim Smith, Oak Park Church

"We received a call that we were able to join in on the Harvest Foundation ministry—unbeknownst to them—at a time when I was really struggling as a pastor. Since participating in their ministry, I’m back in a great place emotionally and spiritually. Our church is thriving, my marriage is awesome, and my heart is on fire for Jesus. God used Harvest Foundation in my life at a time when I needed it the most!"

-Tim and Kristen Milner, Essential Church

"Faithful people are hard to find, but we’ve been graced to have Harvest, and we love it here. Harvest Foundation is absolutely the best!!"

-Byron and Tameria Turton, The Restoration Church

"Decades of ministry, Over 60 countries traveled, and we’ve never had an experience quite like this!  The standard was excellent, our time refreshing, and many of the people we met, from staff to other Pastors, have become extended family."

-Calving and English Battle, Destiny Christian Center

"Harvest Foundation is playing an extremely vital role in God’s Kingdom by serving those on the frontlines of the everyday ministry - pastors and their spouses. Harvest Foundation not only allowed us to have a much-needed rest, but the whole experience has prompted us to re-evaluate our priorities and pay attention to the Shabbat, so clearly commended by the Creator."

-Leonid and Leanna Regheta, River of Life

"The Harvest Foundation has provided senior pastors and their wives a week of
rest, relaxation, and a renewed spirit. It is a great time to connect with other couples in
the ministry who face many of the same challenges we do.."

-Michael and Amanda Sikes,  Lifebridge Christian Church 

"Harvest Foundation is an answer from God for Pastors and their spouses. Thank you, Harvest Foundation for serving those who serve!"

-Simeon and Kelly Moultrie, The Brook

"We are so grateful for the rest and replenishment we received from Harvest Foundation. The week stay in Kissimmee came at a much needed time for me and my wife after months of planting a new campus that exhausted us physically and mentally. We left the retreat feeling valued and loved."
-Patrick and Krista Ballington,  The Bridge Church

Our mission is to minister to pastors so they are refreshed and renewed so they might be effective in their leadership and homes.  As pastors receive the benefits of rest, so will the people they lead.

- Jim Henson, President of Harvest Foundation

What does Harvest Foundation Offer?

Small Groups for Pastors

Ministry can be odd sometimes. Pastors will minister, counsel, encourage, and assist people, only to be slandered, ghosted, attacked, and forgotten by the same people they helped. But that is part of what God called you to experience. If you want to surround yourself with others in that position, join a small group for pastors. 

Small Groups for Spouses

Being a pastor's spouse comes with both joy and sorrow. Our small groups for spouses are set up to be a place where you can both be encouraged by someone or be encouraging to someone. You will never be alone in ministry ever again.

Pastoral Getaways

Harvest Foundation invites pastoral couples to beautiful resorts and provides an opportunity for them to rest and connect with others who answered the very same call. If you are a senior/lead or campus pastor and would like to join the Harvest Network, click the link below!

Sabbatical Program

Harvest Foundation is working on a sabbatical program that we hope to rollout in the near future. Sabbaticals are not 30-40 days free from work. It is a time of rest and seeking the Lord for what is to come. Stay tuned, as we will be excited to finally introduce this to all of you in the Harvest Foundation Network!


Ministry Resources

Harvest Foundation has relationships with great organizations that provide wonderful resources. Connect here to resources to help your church with social media, websites,  and finances.  Or, learn how to help your marriage survive the life of ministry, build small groups, and more!